About Baktisiswa

What is Baktisiswa?

Well, in short, Baktisiswa is a program where we “Mahasiswa & Mahasiswi” from the MBBS program of University of Malaya go to a somewhat rural “kampung” and offer medical services to the villagers there. We usually offer free medical check-ups, provide free medicine, have ‘gotong-royong’s, exhibition on health and hygiene, “Keluarga Angkat” Programme and many more.

The objectives of Baktisiswa:

  • To observe and evaluate the health system of rural society concerned with disease, food, health and health knowledge.
  • To expose medical students to the way of life in rural areas so that they will know and realise their responsibilities in the future.
  • To give health support to the residents of rural areas so that their health status may be increased.
  • To learn about the culture of the bumiputeras of Sabah in addition to encourage integration and unity among the races.

However, to do all these, we will need a substantial amount of money. There are some fund-raising activities such as organising a charity concert and a car-wash, getting some corporate sponsorship and others in order to raise the fund for the event.